Denuncias y comentarios del teléfono 62926946

Costa Rica Localización de este teléfono: Costa Rica

En esta página encontrarás información relacionada al número de teléfono 62926946 . El número 62926946 ha sido marcado, reportado y/o denunciado por otros usuarios como molesto, sospechoso o fraudulento.

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Información del teléfono 62926946

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Ocean Fest Heredia, Costa Rica Hace 4 años

Attempted fraud! A gringo and Tico tried to access my bank account to drain it via telephone call. First the gringo, who said his name was Mike from Tennessee but currently in Florida, and had a southern accent, messaged me on Whatsapp from +506 6292 6946 regarding something I have for sale. He told me he was in Florida but would be here in CR first or second week of April and if he could put down a deposit so I could hold it for him. Fine, I said. It's totally normal here in CR to give out your cedula and IBAN so people can make transfers or deposits, no problems there. He asked me if he could call me, I said yes and his call registered as a private number. He told me in that he had tried to log into his bank account but since he was out of the country, the bank's website wouldn't allow him to log on and make the transfer. That is true in some cases with some banks, so that was not odd to me. I told him he could paypal me, he said NO, he wanted to pay from his Costa Rican business account. Fine. He said he wanted to make a 3 way call, first with me and then with the bank so that they could do the transfer. I said okay, and I now know that this particular bank does not offer this type of service. There is another bank that does, and I have done it before, but it was more complicated than just a phone call. Anyway, it was last Friday evening when this was happening, so right at the hour that businesses usually close (between 4 and 5 pm.) He calls me again but this time from 7163-3659 and he proceeds to call the bank while I am on the line. We hear the "Gracias por llamar [bank name], es un gusto a atenderle..." he presses 2 or 3 or something and gets a teller on the line. "Mike" explains in his gringo Spanish that he wants to make a transfer from his account to mine and what it's for. The teller asks me obvious questions like my account number, cedular number but also email address associated with the account so that they can email me the comprabante (proof of deposit) once completed. He also asks for my cell number and asks that I verify the code he had just sent me. Without it registering yet in my mind what was happening, I read him the code that was sent to my cell in a text. I said, "why do you need all this to make a deposit? All you need is my account and cedula, nada mas!" Then suddenly I felt like I just got smacked in the face, and immediately disconnected the call and called the bank (which I noticed had a female voice answering system and not a male voice like the one I'd just heard on the 3 way call.) While I was on the phone with the real bank, I had received 7 missed calls from this "Mike" on Whatsapp. Anyway, the bank blocked my account and had to go in on Monday to open a new account and luckily the crooks were not successful in accessing my account online! So when the "bank teller" was asking me to verify the code that was sent to me in a text message, that was him trying to enter my account. All user names for online banking are our cedula numbers, so if they enter the cedula number as the user and click "forgot password" a text or email will be sent which you use to verify. It had been a long time since I had to reset a forgotten password so it wasn't clicking in my head at that moment that he was trying to access my account. It's still safe and normal to give out your account number and cedula, but NOTHING more is needed in order to send or receive money!

Marcado como: Presunta Estafa

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